Campus Enrichment

Faith and Work Luncheon - Sign up!


Thomas Henley, Managing Director at Bernhard Capital Partners Capital Partners, Baton Rouge kicked off our Faith and Work Luncheon series for the 2023 Spring Semester.

Mr. Henley's talk on "Private Equity, Financial Services, and Ethics" challenged students to look at how their work contributes to the common good and shapes their character.

Here's one highlight from great talk:

"What would I say to 20-year-old me to help me stay grounded going into the work world?
1. Know who you are and be true to yourself. When you start being untrue to yourself, that’s when you start cutting corners.
2. Write down your purpose. So that going forward you can name what is a distraction versus what is going towards your purpose. Let your purpose be the distraction to the distractions."

Women in the Work-Place Dinners - Sign up!

The women of Loyola today will be the future changemakers, CEOs, and business leaders of tomorrow. As part of the Center’s mission to foster an inclusive business environment for students throughout their time at Loyola and beyond, we are thrilled to launch the Women’s Empowerment Program.


Michelle Johnston, PhD  kicked off our Women in the Work-Pace series! Dr. Michelle Johnston, PhD, is a professor of communication and business at Loyola University New Orleans, a highly sought after executive coach, and the bestselling author of The Seismic Shift in Leadership: How To Thrive In A New Era of Connection.

Dr. Johnston inspired Loyola students to lead compassionately and courageously in this new era of leadership through learning how to express their authentic selves in the workplace and building genuine connections at work and in their lives beyond the office.

The women of Loyola today will be the future changemakers, CEOs, and business leaders of tomorrow! We are grateful to Dr. Johnston for her example and encouragement.

Faculty and Staff Lunches

Coming soon.

Catholic Professionals

The Catholic Professional & Business Clubs, Inc., is a national non-profit organization which serves as the support entity to regional and diocesan chapter ministries.

The first chapter club was founded in 1990 in Santa Rosa, California. Chapter clubs host monthly breakfast and/or lunch meetings with a speaker who shares their faith-filled message demonstrating that faith and business ethics need not be mutually exclusive terms.

Through the blessings of the Holy Spirit, CP&BC chapters have continued to grow throughout the nation. The national CP&BC organization was incorporated in 2003, and supports the chapters by providing an annual national conference, formation advising, speaker sources, and various other support services. Loyola's Catholic Professionals chapter is currently being formed.