The Center is externally focused and academically centered. By seeking to learn from and serve the broader community, especially in the New Orleans area, the Center also enhances the College of Business’ educational mission with students and faculty. The Center’s mission calls it to provide religious leadership -both Catholic and non-Catholic- in the business community and the wider society by providing a context from which religiously committed business executives can play a leadership role in contemporary American culture and world affairs by ethical corporate governance. In addition, the Center provides resources for the spiritual and ethical formations of undergraduates and graduate students at the College of Business, working especially with the Canizaro Center for Catholic Studies program to raise up ethical business leaders.
The Center for Ethics and Economic Justice is guided by three principal values:
The partnership...
... of business, religion, and academe, promoting the idea of spiritual values in the workplace.
The search...
... for new ethical norms in economic relationships, through the exploration of issues of spiritual capital.
The desire...
... to give rise to a spiritual culture for organizations, grounded in leadership, which fosters and empowers the human spirit.