Why is an internship required?
The faculty members in Loyola’s College of Business recognize that an internship is vital to a student’s career success and thus include an internship requirement for every student graduating from the CoB. The internship is a very valuable experiential learning experience and should be taken seriously with a conscious effort to do one’s best and learn as much as you can while interning.
How do I find an internship?
An important part of the internship process is the search by the student for an internship that meets the student’s career and personal interests. The search starts with the student researching opportunities through sources such as Handshake, Indeed, LinkedIn, and other internship/job websites, family and friend contacts, networking, online company searches, and the CoB Portfolio Career office. The internship does not have to be related specifically to the student’s major but must be business related. Students must have a current, professional resume ready when beginning the search. Resume coaches are available to help you with your resume through the Portfolio Office (Miller 206). Once you have secured an internship you must report the internship on Handshake prior to starting the internship by following these instructions. You will be registered for the internship once it has been approved.
Why do I have to pay tuition on an internship and what are the costs?
Students must complete 120 hours in order to graduate. Your internship “course” counts as a three-hour academic credit towards those 120 hours. Since you receive three hours of academic credit for the internship it is included in your normal tuition. Students should plan for the internship in their schedule just as they would any other required course. A student can schedule 18 hours plus the internship for 21 hours total and pay the same tuition costs. Students do not have to pay for any extra credit hours when registering an internship.
Do I need to sign up for summer school if I have a summer internship?
Yes. If a student completes the internship during a summer semester, the student must register the internship for that semester. However, students completing a summer internship will not be charged for the associated course. This is the only semester in which students can complete the course without the course fee (see the question above for more details on the course fee). As with all internships, it must be pre-approved and registered through the Portfolio office.
What happens if I don’t get my internship pre-approved and registered?
You must have your internship approved and registered prior to starting the internship. This way the internship director can determine if the planned internship meets all the requirements to count as the internship. If you don’t go through the pre-approval process you will not be allowed to count the internship towards the requirement.
What are the requirements to complete the required CoB three-hour credit internship?
Students are required to:
- Have junior/senior status at the time of the internship and be in good academic standing.
- Find an internship that gives you the opportunity to participate in relevant work projects. No more than 20% of the internship can be clerical work (ex: filing, answering phones, etc.)
- Complete the Internship Report/Registrations Process prior to starting.
- Complete a minimum of 120 hours over a minimum, consecutive five-week period.
- Complete the assignments posted to the Canvas course by the deadlines.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner while on the job premises and performing internship duties. Uphold all Loyola Student Handbook codes/requirements including those related to issues of honesty and integrity.
How is the internship graded?
The internship is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. The pass/fail grade is determined by the internship director and is based on the intern completing all requirements as well as the supervisor’s evaluation of the student. The pass grade does not impact your GPA but the fail grade will.
What do I do if the internship is not meeting my expectations?
If you find yourself in a situation where you question the operation or behavior of the business or its employees you should talk to the internship director immediately. The same goes for a situation in which the student finds that he or she is not doing meaningful work that enhances learning.
May I do more than one internship?
Absolutely, yes! We encourage students to complete more than one internship to increase experiential learning opportunities and enhance marketability in the job market. Additional internships do not have to be registered unless you would like the internship to be reflected on your transcript. In that case, you may register the internship for a one-credit hour or two-credit hours, again, prior to starting the internship.
Can I wait until my last semester to complete my internship?
No, you may not wait until your last semester. The internship allows you to gain a better understanding of what to expect from certain careers, companies, etc. The experience is too valuable to put off until the last semester. Students are responsible for planning their schedules accordingly.
What advice is offered for students getting ready to start an internship?
Advice from students who have completed an internship to others includes the following:
- “Start your search early. Don’t wait until the last minute because then you have to take whatever you can find.”
- “Find an internship in an area that interests you.”
- “Always, always be on time and dress professionally.”
- “If you finish one project, ask for another. Take initiative.”
- “Take the internship seriously. You never know where it might lead.”
- “Make the most of the connections you make while there. Build your network.”
- “It’s not like school. Don’t be surprised if they throw you into something with little instruction. Do your best and ask questions.”
- “Soak up everything you can.”
How do I contact the internship office if I have other questions?
The internship office is located in Miller Hall room 206. You may drop in on weekdays and/or email Ms. Brittany Heims at bdheims@loyno.edu .