Loyola Code Academy


“It's better to be a pirate than join the Navy.” –Steve Jobs

Software is changing the world, and technology is changing business. Software runs Google, Facebook, elevators, the space shuttle, and TVs. Software lets amputees walk again and deaf kids hear for the first time.

People make software by creating code, and anyone can learn to write code. Creating code is the easiest part of it—thus, anyone can learn to express their passion or change the world.

Why the Loyola Code Academy?

We want to train leaders who can bring change through technology. In response to a workforce need as expressed by the local community, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Community Development proposes to develop a summer “gap” program to prepare students and recent graduates from non-technical backgrounds for entry level jobs in software development. 

Coding Skills and Job Opportunities

Both locally and nationally, demand for software development skills has greatly outpaced supply.  The New Orleans region is experiencing increasing success in both attracting and growing technology-based companies.  To support and scale and continue to attract these companies requires investment in increasing the local talent pool. 

For early-career professionals, technology jobs exist in every industry, offer high entry-level pay, and have low barriers for those with coding skills. Software developers are also innovators who catalyze entrepreneurship, life-changing solutions, and paths to upward social mobility.


The proposed Code Academy, integrates the rapidly emerging commercial “boot camp” model with that of a university program.  It is viewed as an extension of a student’s existing liberal arts or non-technical professional degree.   An independent “certificate” is earned for completion of a 12-week summer “immersion curriculum.”   The curriculum is designed to “bridge the gap” between core skills learned in the liberal arts including: reading, writing, critical thinking, logical and quantitative analysis and the technical skills necessary to get a job as an entry level software developer.  This is a “how to” approach that is different than the more theoretical discipline of computer science.  The program also integrates core entrepreneurial and project management concepts necessary to thrive in start-up or emerging technology company.

National & Local Expert Instructors

Instruction is provided by a live and in-person master instructor supported by a teaching team of coaches, mentors, and content experts.  Class size is restricted to give students hands-on experience and opportunity for immediate feedback.  Significant class time is spent implementing concepts in a controlled environment so that students can gain practical experience, build confidence, and develop a personal portfolio that will serve as a resume to potential employers during the course of the program.

Dates of program

As proposed, the program will begin June 5th, 2016, and run for 12 weeks.  As an immersive and fast-paced program, students are expected to attend classes five days per week for 8-10 hours per day.  Additional work, including networking, industry immersion and team projects and bonus lectures may be required outside of class time.  Classes will be generally held in the College of Business on Loyola’s uptown campus.


Tuition for the proposed post-graduate certificate is $15,000.  The first five students to register (including the $1,000 deposit) will receive a 10% discount on tuition (=$13,500).

Interested students should submit an application or attend an upcoming focus group session:

  • Code Academy Focus Group: Tuesday 11/23/15 12:30 - 1:30 in the Ideation Lab (1st floor of Miller Hall).

Apply to be part of the initial cohort today!


Civic Innovation

Proposal Under Development

Check Back for More Details January 2016